Genealogy. History. Community.
Dedicated to connecting our community and preserving our history.
The International Association of Germans from Lithuania (IAGL) or Internationaler Verband der Deutschen aus Litauen is a not-for-profit corporation established in the U.S. and is dedicated to providing resources and information to help those researching their German ancestors formerly from southwestern Lithuania. In additional to offering information to help genealogists and family historians, the IAGL is dedicated to connecting the greater Detusche aus Litauen community, and documenting the history of this unique ethnic minority. The IAGL is entirely managed by volunteers and is financially supported through donations.
The IAGL Index Online
Our free searchable database includes thousands of transcribed Lutheran church records from southwestern Lithuania.
How can I support the IAGL?
Your financial support helps to keep the IAGL’s online index free.
What records are in the database?
Check out inventory to see what’s included and what we’re still working on.

Tips, Tricks, and Resources.
Free articles to help with your search.
Who are the ‘Germans from Lithuania’?
The Deutsche aus Litauen (Germans from Lithuania) were a mostly ethnic German minority living in southwestern Lithuania from about 1795 to 1945.
Connect with fellow researchers.
The IAGL’s Facebook group is one of the best ways you can connect with others researching their Deutsche aus Litauen ancestors.